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Pricey cable-maker Monster is worried you might confuse a haunted house-themed mini-golf course with its popular products, so they're suing.
From News 10:
Monster Cable Products of Brisbane filed suit in Sacramento federal court this week against the owners of Monster Mini Golf in Rancho Cordova along with the Rhode Island woman who sells Monster Mini Golf franchises.
In its trademark infringement suit, Monster Cable claims the miniature golf courses "are likely to cause confusion."
Cindy Stoeckle, who with her husband Chris opened the Rancho Cordova location in March, was shocked when News10 told her about the lawsuit.
"What, are they not making money and they have to make some money off the little guys?" she asked.
The company's founder, Christina Vitagliano of Providence, Rhode Island, said she's been fighting with Monster Cable since she applied for her trademark in 2006. She said her attorney will defend the Stoeckles.
Monster Cable just loves to sue people! According to News 10 they sued Disney for Monsters, INC, the Boston Red Sox for "Monster Seats" on the big green monster, and is currently trying to keep them from calling the concession stand "Monster Concessions."
Rancho Cordova Mini Golf Course Hit with "Monster" Lawsuit [News 10]
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