Zoo Life

There are plenty of things that are out of your control, mine, and theirs. If a system or government is the deciding factor in the decision to stay or leave, don't expect to find what your looking for anywhere else. Our system is not perfect and never will be, although its not fucked. Its good enough, easy to survive in as are most of the systems in most of the countries around the globe. The issue of power will always be an issue. Can you guess why? Well why would a hord of people try to change a system which they are survivng in. It feels good to point out the many flaws of our government, its like rebeling w/o consequence, its actually one of the few rights we americans exersize. But it also feels good to have a job, a house, food, a/c, heat, the list goes on. In the back of all of our minds the question arises: would we really give up these things to make our system better, would we give up our life? I'm being extreme, but nothing is going to change if we don't sacrafice our comfortability. This is why nothing will change, I'd like to watch the walls of the U.S. Gov't crumble to the ground but it won't happen in mylife time. And its not because I hate the government, I love the ideals set forth by our founding fathers. But those ideals are like two human legs supporting an elefant and ass's body fused together making some hellish freak of a systems that works, somehow it still works.....somehow. We make it work, we don't try to bend the prison bars because we're too comfortabe to move. Like animals in a zoo who don't try to escape because they've got everything they need and wouldn't ever give that up.


Anonymous said...

can you guess who wrote the following song???


The job is done and I go out
Another boring day
I leave it all behind me now
So many worlds away

I meet my girl, she's dressed to kill
And all we gonna do
Is walk around to catch the thrill
On streets we call the zoo

We eat the night, we drink the time
Make our dreams come true
And hungry eyes are passing by
On streets we call the zoo

We eat the night, we drink the time
Make our dreams come true
And hungry eyes are passing by
On streets we call the zoo

Enjoy the zoo, and walk down
42nd Street
You gonna be excited too
And you will feel the heat

We eat the night, we drink the time
Make our dreams come true
And hungry eyes are passing by
On streets we call the zoo

We eat the night, we drink the time
Make our dreams come true
And hungry eyes are passing by
On streets we call the zoo

Anonymous said...

I'll give you a hint: They rocked the 80's metal scene!